Achieving Ancient Technology Points in Palworld: Advanced Methods

Ancient Technology Points in Palworld
Ancient Technology Points in Palworld

Ancient technology points are a cornerstone for progression in Palworld. This guide offers advanced methods to achieve these points, helping you unlock superior upgrades and enhance your in-game abilities.


In Palworld, ancient technology points are crucial for upgrading your equipment and abilities. These points provide the necessary resources to improve your gameplay experience. This guide outlines advanced methods to achieve these points efficiently.

Targeting Ruins and Temples

Locating Ancient Sites

Ancient sites are scattered across the map and are rich in technology points. Use in-game maps and NPC clues to find these sites. Prioritize your exploration to focus on these locations to maximize point gains.

Solving Complex Puzzles

Ruins often feature complex puzzles that, when solved, yield technology points. Utilize your Pals’ abilities to solve these puzzles. Each solved puzzle brings you closer to your point goals.

Mastering Combat

Defeating Bosses

Boss battles are a primary source of ancient technology points. Equip your best gear and strategize your approach to defeat these formidable foes. Successful battles provide points and valuable artifacts.

Participating in Combat Events

Regularly participate in combat events that offer technology points as rewards. These events challenge your skills and provide substantial point gains. Stay updated on event schedules to maximize your participation.

Resource Optimization

Gathering High-Value Materials

Efficiently gather high-value materials from various biomes. Use your Pals to collect resources quickly. Prioritize gathering rare materials essential for crafting advanced items that yield technology points.

Crafting and Upgrading

Craft advanced tools and equipment using rare materials. Each crafted item can enhance your abilities and exploration efficiency. Upgrading these items further boosts your technology point accumulation.

Leveraging NPC Interactions

Completing Quests

Engage with NPCs to complete quests that reward technology points. Building strong relationships with NPCs unlocks additional quests and rewards. Regularly check in with NPCs to maximize your point collection.

Trading Artifacts

Trade artifacts and relics with specialized NPCs for technology points. Focus on trading duplicates or less essential items. This ensures a steady influx of points while preserving critical artifacts.


Achieving how to get ancient technology points palworld requires a strategic blend of exploration, combat, resource optimization, and NPC interactions. By following these advanced methods, you can efficiently gather and utilize these points to enhance your gameplay. Dive into Palworld, employ these strategies, and become a master of ancient technology.

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